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Aims Episodic wildfires are expected to occur more frequently under future climate change scenarios, with substantial effects on CO2exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. This study examined the effects of wildfire on soil respiration (RS) and its heterotrophic (RH) and autotrophic (RA) components, as well as their temperature responses (temperature sensitivity,Q10).  相似文献   
Avian diversity in the Neotropics has been traditionally attributed to the effect of vicariant forces promoting speciation in allopatry. Recent studies have shown that phylogeographical patterns shared among codistributed species cannot be explained by a single vicariant event, as species responses to a common barrier depend on the biological attributes of each taxon. The open vegetation corridor (OVC) isolates Amazonia and the Andean forests from the Atlantic Forest, creating a notorious pattern of avian taxa that are disjunctly codistributed in these forests. Here, we studied and compared the evolutionary histories of Ramphotrigon megacephalum and Pipraeidea melanonota, two passerines with allopatric populations east and west of the OVC that represent different subspecies. These species differ in their biological attributes: R. megacephalum is a sedentary, forest specialist mostly confined to bamboo understorey, whereas P. melanonota is a seasonal migrant and generalist species that ranges in a variety of closed and semi‐open environments. We performed genetic and genomic analyses, complemented with the study of coloration and behavioural differentiation, to assess population divergence across the OVC. We found that the evolutionary histories of both R. megacephalum and P. melanonota have been shaped by this environmental barrier. However, these species responded in different and asynchronous manners to the establishment of the OVC and to past connections between the currently isolated South American forests, which can be mostly explained by their distinct ecologies and dispersal abilities. Our results support the fact that the biological attributes of species can make their evolutionary histories idiosyncratic.  相似文献   
基于地形梯度的岩溶槽谷区土地利用空间格局分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王权  李阳兵  刘亚香  胡先培 《生态学报》2019,39(21):7866-7880
揭示当前多因素驱动机制下岩溶槽谷区典型地貌单元在地形梯度上土地利用分布的一般规律与差异性特征具有重要意义。以2017年landsat TM高清影像和30 m×30 m DEM(Digital Elevation Model)为数据源,并结合实地调查,通过地形位分布指数、土地利用多样性指数、土地利用程度指数及土地利用相对合理性指数指标计算,探讨岩溶槽谷区地形梯度的土地利用类型空间分布共同特征与差异。结果表明:(1)岩溶槽谷区土地利用类型呈现山坡(高地形位)-槽坝(低地形位)两种分布格局特色存在,且土地利用类型在地形梯度上主要以低、中、高3种地形位组合模式;(2)土地利用类型在地形梯度上呈现梯度效应,表现出各自分布特征与差异;(3)岩溶槽谷区土地利用多样性、土地利用程度和土地利用合理性在地形梯度上分布格局既存在一些共同性特征,又存在各自差异性;(4)地形梯度土地利用特征差异性是受自然因素、社会经济因素、政策因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
蒋勇军 《生态学报》2019,39(16):6058-6060
在国家重点研发计划项目——"喀斯特槽谷区土地石漠化过程及综合治理技术研发与示范(2016YFC0502300)"的支持下,经过项目组全体成员三年的共同努力,在喀斯特槽谷区生态退化与修复方面取得了一些重要进展。主要有:(1)2000—2015年槽谷区土壤侵蚀总量逐年减少,年平均侵蚀模数逐年降低,槽谷区植被覆盖明显提高;(2)拉巴豆地埂篱根土复合体不仅能有效提高喀斯特土壤的粒径大小和增强土体的抗剪/冲性能,并且能够利用大气N_2合成植物生长所需的氮肥,从而提高土壤肥力,可望实现石漠化治理中生态效应和经济效应的双赢;(3)喀斯特槽谷区隧道建设改变了地下水流场并降低了地下水位,进而降低了土壤微生物丰度和多样性,而增加了适应干旱的微生物种群,并导致土壤质量的降低;隧道建设加速了坡面产流和土壤流失,加剧了土地石漠化,从而导致生态退化;(4)随着槽谷区退化生态系统的恢复,生态系统的生态服务功能得到提升。  相似文献   
2012年8月至2013年7月,采用红外相机技术对广西弄岗国家级自然保护区15 hm^2森林动态监测样地及其周边区域内的帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)进行观察,采用活动强度指数分析其活动节律和时间分配,探讨月相和环境因子对其活动节律和时间分配的影响。结果表明,不同时间段内帚尾豪猪的活动强度存在极显著差异(t=4. 666,df=23,P=0. 001),活动峰值出现在20:00~21:00和05:00~06:00;夜间主要以移动(63. 2%)和觅食(23. 6%)为主。帚尾豪猪各月份间的时间分配存在极显著差异(t=8. 581,df=11,P=0. 001),旱、雨季间的时间分配存在显著差异(Z=-2. 166,P=0. 03)。各月相间帚尾豪猪出现的频次存在显著差异(χ~2=5. 00,df=1,P=0. 025),以新月期和满月期活动最为频繁,上弦月活动最少。相关性分析表明,活动强度指数与月降雨量、月最高温度及最低温度(R^2=0. 440,R^2=0. 435,R^2=0. 457)都存在显著的负相关,帚尾豪猪最适的活动温区为10℃~26℃。本研究初步掌握了帚尾豪猪在弄岗保护区的活动节律和时间分配,有助于后期理解栖息地和气候变化对其活动的影响。  相似文献   
Economic development of rural people is not always feasible along with concomitant forest restoration, especially when meager reforestation incentives are oriented to poor rural people who probably are not willing to plant native species in their small plots of land. Forest restoration incentives have been created by the Chilean government to engage poor rural people in reforestation using native tree species to recover degraded lands. Our objective was to compare the willingness of people from rural communities to plant native species if they had to bear the costs or if the government did, and we related the answers to environmental and socioeconomic variables. Of the 217 respondents 53.9% were interested in planting native trees if subsidies became available. Interest decreased if the respondents had to pay for the cost, but only slightly. The willingness to reforest was significantly greater at lower distance from the community to the nearest native forest for those with lower income level, and was higher when there was use of nontimber forest products or wood by the respondents. However, in spite of the positive disposition to plant native trees, only 23% of the respondents were interested in planting on their own land, which is a requirement to receive the economic incentives. Most respondents were willing to plant in open sites and on degraded hillsides that surround their communities. We conclude that despite monetary incentives, benefits cannot reach most rural inhabitants because of their lack of interest in reforesting their own land.  相似文献   
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